The Department of General Surgery at the Zayed Military Hospital.. Providing excellent treatment services to patients

The Department of General Surgery at Zayed Military Hospital in Abu Dhabi is one of the largest, most productive and effective surgical departments providing various medical interventions for the employees of the Ministry of Defence, their families and all members of the national service in the UAE.

Featuring a group of elite and qualified doctors and consultants who are highly experienced in dealing with difficult and complex surgical cases, the Department of General Surgery at Zayed Military Hospital is witnessing qualitative development across every level.

This department is equipped with the latest and best medical equipment in the world and using cutting-edge medical technologies, it performs the most difficult and complex surgeries with ease and safety.

Work in the General Surgery Department is divided into two main departments: the outpatient department, and the inpatient department.

Receiving patients on a daily basis, the outpatient department is where patients are registered, and diagnosed, before getting the necessary tests and treatment.

Furthermore, this department provides services such as writing medical reports, determining percentages of disabilities and their link to work injuries, and attesting sick leave.

Patients are admitted through the emergency department or clinics, before being admitted to the surgical department and undergoing the necessary surgical procedure.

This department performs various procedures including classic operations, open surgeries, and advanced operations using the latest technologies available, such as Endoscopy.

In addition, the Department of General Surgery performs endocrine, respiratory, and abdominal surgeries of all kinds, such as the stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, colon, and anal surgeries, as well as all types of cancer operations, abdominal wall operations such as hernia, and limb operations, such as gangrene treatment.

By: Colonel Dr. Mohammed Abdulla Alqaydi – Head of General Surgery Division at Zayed Military Hospital, Abu Dhabi


Al Jundi

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