Dehydration during military training

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is the loss of a large quantity of fluid from the body, which leads to poor performance during training or competing in sports.

Causes of dehydration

Not drinking enough fluids before, during, and after exercise


Hot weather

Some diseases such as a high fever.

Diarrhea and vomiting

Taking diuretics.

Symptoms of dehydration


Dark urine

Impaired physical performance, concentration and mental activity.

Increased body heat and feeling tired and exhausted.

Muscle spasms

Slowed digestive processes or constipation.

Increased breathing and pulse rates.

Dehydration and exercise

The amount of fluid you should drink varies according to the following factors:

Genetic factors

Body size

The weather (hot/cold).

Intensity of physical activity

How to avoid dehydration?

Dehydration can be avoided through the following steps:

1- Weigh yourself

First, weigh yourself before exercise and after using the bathroom.

Then, record your weight and after finishing the exercise, weigh yourself again.

Losing 2% or more of your weight is a sign that you are dehydrated.

2- Notice the color of your urine:

Note the color of your urine before and after exercise.

Aim for urine color 1 to 3 (as shown in the diagram below) before exercise, then note the color of your urine after exercise to estimate your dehydration and replace the fluids you lost during exercise.

3- Drink an adequate amount of fluids before, during, and after exercise

The appropriate amount of fluid for the body during your day is 8 glasses and increases by 1.5 during exercise.

4- Reduce the consumption of drinks that increase dehydration, such as:

Energy drinks and caffeine.

5- Pay attention to the dryness of your mouth

Drinking enough water may help you with the following:

Regulating body temperature.

Preventing joint friction.

Transporting nutrients within the body to provide it with energy.

Protecting the body against muscle spasms, dizziness, and fatigue.

Facilitating the digestive process.

Do you suffer from dehydration?

Confirm by urine color

Good fluid ratio 1

Good fluid ratio 2

Good fluid ratio 3

A small percentage of fluids 4

A small percentage of fluids 5

Dehydration and need for more fluids 6

Dehydration and need for more fluids 7

Dehydration and need for more fluids 8

Source: Medical Services Corps, Public Health division

Al Jundi

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