Study: Bees Represent Reliable Indicator for Environmental Health Assessment

A recent research study conducted by the Fujairah Research Center has highlighted the potential use of bees in detecting abnormalities and environmental pollutants.

The study, spanning six months, suggests that bees can serve as a reliable indicator to assess the health of ecosystems and the safety of their interactions.

The centre emphasized that this study could mark a qualitative leap in the mechanisms for monitoring the ecosystem in the coming years.

Moreover, it stressed the importance of collaboration with leading centres worldwide in honeybee research to conduct scientific research to monitor causative factors and implement a set of activities and measures to monitor and protect bee colonies.

Dr James Aruda, Head of Honeybee Research at the Fujairah Research Center, highlighted the benefit of bees in the process of monitoring and assessing pollution based on their natural behaviour while searching for food and their ability to collect environmental samples from wide areas.

Engineer and bee research specialist, Khawla Al Yamahi, commented, “After conducting numerous analyses and studies, we discovered that the importance of bees extends beyond agricultural production and preserving diversity and balance in the ecosystem. Bees can play a vital role in providing us with new insights and strategies regarding the health of the environmental system, in addition to providing early warnings about the trajectory and direction of environmental changes.”

This innovative approach underscores the significance of leveraging natural indicators, like bees, to enhance environmental monitoring and safeguard the health of the ecosystem.

Al Jundi

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