صالح حمد القلاب​​
وزير إعلام سابق​

Arabs and Iran: The ” Foe Brothers!”

If we, as Arabs, examined the conflicts of this inflamed region, as it is now, we would find that Iran in this era, which is an extension of the Khomeini period, has more security harassment for the states of this Arab region, than what we used to describe and consider: a “Zionist enemy”, who has to initiate now, so that it is to be really reconsidered not an enemy, a peaceful solution on the basis of withdrawing from what was occupied from Palestine in June 1967, especially East Jerusalem, which includes Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock as well as Omar Mosque, may God be pleased with him, and Church of the Resurrection. Actually, this is a demand even for the Arabs who concluded Peace agreements with Israel, such as Egypt and Jordan, and some other countries, such as the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Perhaps what is also worth noting is that there is an Israeli trend, after many Arab countries have come to accept Israel as one of the countries in the region, to end this conflict that has lasted all these successive years. Led by the United States, especially after it moved the mandate from Republicans to the Democrats, major active countries have been pushing to find a solution to the conflict in the Middle East on the basis of the borders of June 4, 1967, and the establishment of a Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the Israeli state.

In this era, Iran which had begun with the Khomeinist revolution in 1979, has surpassed even Israel when it was at the height of its conflict with the Arabs, and it was not satisfied with occupying the Arab “Ahwaz”, moreover, it now has a security and military expansion ambitions, and of course, political expansion goals in major Arab countries. It was not satisfied with the southern suburbs of Beirut and south of Lebanon, as Hassan Nasrallah now controls this country from north to south and from west to east, and he controls even the decision of “Baabda”, and the Republican Palace has become in the hands of this one who follows the “guardian jurist” in “Qom” and Tehran in everything!! 

It is known that “Abu Ammar” was the first to arrive in Tehran after the Khomeini’s revolution, and that he had expected that Khomeini would return the three Emirati islands: “Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa” to their owners, the UAE, but he was surprised by Khomeini’s harsh response as he said: These islands are Iranian and will remain Iranian until Judgment Day. In fact, the Palestinian leader, who was shocked by Khomeini’s response, whispered to some of those who surrounded him, and I was one of them, that the new Iran will be the most dangerous enemy of the Arabs and the Arab nation as a whole.

Al Jundi

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