ضرار بالهول الفلاسي
عضو المجلس الوطني الاتحادي

The UAE… a civilized experience and an active international presence

No one disputes the importance of the UAE, and its political, economic and military role in the region, as a modern country that is open to the world and is economically prosperous, which has made it a destination for millions of dreamers of better life opportunities, not to mention that it is a peaceful country that believes in the necessity of cooperation and love among peoples, and works for the prevalence of peace and tolerance in the world, which made it enjoy the respect and appreciation of the whole world, in addition to its respect for human rights, and its rejection of terrorism and extremism.

Within a few decades, the UAE, under its historical leadership, was able to accomplish many great and exceptional achievements in many fields of science, infrastructure, construction, social services, and human development which considers the human being the most important capital in the process of sustainable development witnessed by the country, until it has become an advanced figure in indicators of development and human happiness, and an essential partner of the United Nations in many humanitarian fields.

During a record period of time, the UAE achieved a pioneering scientific renaissance that moved it to the ranks of developed countries, where hundreds of giant projects were spread, leading to nuclear energy and the conquest of space, not to mention advanced research centers, which made the UAE a destination for many famous universities in the world, and a fertile place and a global magnet for investments and capital worldwide.

This scientific progress and the civilized development of the UAE was accompanied at the same time by a wise political approach based on building distinguished relations with all countries of the world, within the framework of a policy characterized by moderation and rationality, not to mention the Emirates’ love for humanitarian work and its role in extending a helping hand to everyone in need, regardless of religion, race, or national affiliation, and cooperation with all peoples of the world, while preserving their national specificity.

The Emirati foreign policy is linked to the realist school, which considers that economy and balance of power represent the basic principles of contemporary foreign policy, as it has balanced between economic development and building a solid economic base, while building a capable military force through which it can defend its interests and national sovereignty.

In addition, its strategic location, and its proximity to the Strait of Hormuz, through which about 18 million barrels of oil per day pass, gives it more influence in the global economy, especially since it is one of the most important global business centers, as 25% of the 500 largest companies in the world have based their regional headquarters in it. It is also a gateway to the Gulf countries, as about 61% of the goods destined for the Gulf Cooperation Council pass through its ports.

Finally, it can be said that the Emirati civilized experience has become a role model, not only at the level of the region, but also at the world level.

Al Jundi

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