The statements of the Lebanese Minister of Information, George Kordahi, which took the character of siding with the terrorist Houthi militia, and the attempt to drop the legitimacy of self-defense against the Houthi terrorist attacks targeting Saudi Arabia, were not the crisis that led the Gulf States to take diplomatic measures towards Lebanon. These statements were “the last straw that broke the camel’s back”, and it put an end to the tolerance and flexible policy that was followed by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States in general towards the Lebanese political behavior.
Consequently, the diplomatic measures taken by the Gulf countries towards Lebanon cannot be reduced as a reaction to the statements of the Lebanese Minister of Information, George Kordahi, because the crisis that Lebanon is experiencing is not the result of these statements, but rather it dates back to many years, and it is the crisis of the absence of the real State, which resulted in the control of chaotic behavior. And the barbaric over Lebanese politics, and therefore Lebanon’s crisis is not a crisis of irrational statements made by the Lebanese Minister of Information, George Kordahi, but rather a crisis of the absence of the State that made Lebanese politics governed by personal whims that try to give priority to the interest of pleasing Hezbollah over the interest of the State and Lebanese society and its relations with its Arab and regional environment.
From political perspective, the State is seen as an object that influences and is affected by what is happening around it in the region, and therefore the political leaders must maintain balances in the State’s relations with its regional surroundings, but in the Lebanese case, and as a result of the absence of the real State, the “will of all” that secures by giving priority to the public interest of the State and citizens above any other considerations or interests, had been replaced by the “will of the party,” and therefore imbalances occurred in the equation instead of “the State being the reality of the essential will, “it had been replaced by the party’s interest, and here, we mean Hezbollah, had become the reality of the essential Lebanese will and political behavior. Consequently, the balance in Lebanon’s foreign relations has been disrupted, which is what led to the dominance of anarchy and barbarism in Lebanese politics.
The Lebanese situation needs to be corrected. The crisis in Lebanon cannot be addressed by maintaining the balances established by the “Taif Agreement” among all Lebanese sects. Rather, it is a deeper crisis in its roots that needs to be addressed by laying solid foundations to re-establish the true Lebanese State that takes into account maintaining balances inside and outside Lebanon. The continuity of the Lebanese situation on the path of chaotic sovereignty will deepen the suffering of the Lebanese people, who are paying the price of the economic crisis of which the Lebanese political behavior was the main reason for deepening its roots.