خالد الزعتر
كاتب ومحلل سياسي

Emirates… Making peace and power balance

For the national anthem of the United Arab Emirates to be played in Israel, this is truly what was needed by a region that has lived for decades under the stress of conflicts, and has oscillated between the stage of tension and direct confrontation, which provides foreign powers the opportunity to take advantage of these conflicts to employ them for the benefit of their chaotic projects and expansionism in region, as is the case with the Iranian and Turkish regimes.
Among the traditional concepts in the study of international relations, the balance of power is determined only by military force.

After the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of a unipolar system, the balance of power remained determined also by military force, but with the transition to a multipolar international system, the economic power began to play a significant role in the balance of power, but focus on economic and developmental projects and international and global competition to achieve an important presence in the global economic position did not lead to a decline in the role of military power in determining the balance of power, so the rules of international relations continued to be governed by (conflict and power).

Achieving stability in a region such as the Middle East, which for decades has been in a state of ebb and flow, needs to deal with its crucial and major issues from the perspective of political realism, and therefore when we seek to drop the issue of the Arab-Israeli conflict into a realistic perspective, we find that political realism requires dealing with this issue away from populist rhetoric and mass slogans, and reaching the political conviction that (Israel is a reality that must be coexisted with).

The step taken by the (UAE) with the historic peace agreement with Israel, based on the rules of political realism that affirms that Arabs must deal with their major and crucial issues from the standpoint of realism, away from the tools of conflict and confrontational narratives, and must develop new tools that are compatible with the current phase in a region teeming with conflicts and intertwined files, and therefore the Emirati move has undoubtedly come in line with the reality and the developments of the phase and its changes, which impose on Arab political thought to come out of the populist framework, and to deal with Arab issues from the standpoint of the tools of the stage away from importing old tools.

There is no doubt that the international order is the result of reshaping regional and international economic and diplomatic blocs, and just as wars were a tool of change in the form of the international order, so the courageous Emirati peace move with Israel creates a new reality that will reshape the regional order, and enable the (peace language) to play. An important role in achieving the balance of power at the regional level.

Al Jundi

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