Juma Al Kaabi – Chief Executive Officer, ADASI to «Al Jundi»: We are committed to enhancing the UAE’s defence & autonomous capabilities

ADASI is considered one of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East in the field of autonomous systems and services in the air‭, ‬land‭, ‬and maritime domains‬

As a trusted provider of comprehensive solutions‭, ‬ADASI possesses proven expertise and in-depth knowledge of autonomous systems‭.‬‭ ‬

Founded in 2007‭, ‬ADASI aims to enhance the technological capabilities of its clients and designs autonomous systems that assist‭ ‬clients in facing challenges and executing demanding tasks‭.‬

To gain a closer insight into the latest developments of ADASI and its significant future projects‭, ‬Al-Jundi interviewed Juma Al‭ ‬Kaabi‭, ‬the CEO of the company‭, ‬and had the following dialogue with him‭:‬

Talk to us about ADASI and its fields of work in general‭, ‬and about the most prominent products that the company offers to its customers‭.‬

As part of EDGE‭, ‬one of the world’s leading advanced technology and defence groups‭, ‬ADASI designs and manufactures autonomous systems covering air‭, ‬land‭, ‬and maritime domains‭. ‬We are committed to enhancing the UAE’s defence and autonomous capabilities by building an extensive portfolio of unmanned solutions which perform intelligence‭, ‬surveillance‭, ‬reconnaissance‭ (‬ISR‭), ‬logistics‭, ‬and combat missions‭.‬

Our flagship product is the GARMOOSHA‭, ‬a UAE-made rotary wing unmanned aerial vehicle‭ (‬UAV‭). ‬With an 8-hour endurance‭, ‬a 150‭ ‬km‭ ‬range‭, ‬and a payload capacity of 120‭ ‬kg‭.‬

This enables the system to carry a wide variety of payloads‭, ‬including a stabilised electro-optical sensor for day and night ISR‭ ‬missions‭. ‬

The QX family is another notable addition to our product portfolio‭, ‬comprising a range of ISR UAVs and loitering munitions which‭ ‬provide support to ground units and special operations forces‭. ‬Ranging in size and payload‭, ‬QX empowers troops with exceptional‭ ‬situational awareness and precision targeting and striking capabilities‭, ‬amplifying their effectiveness in the field‭.‬

Our range of RASH systems is another unique offering‭, ‬featuring fixed-wing guidance kits that can be seamlessly attached to a standard mortar‭. ‬These solutions significantly enhance the precision and effectiveness of munitions‭, ‬bolstering the arsenal of defence forces‭.‬

The SHADOW range of loitering munitions stands out with its advanced guidance capabilities‭, ‬delivering high-precision strikes against fixed targets at impressive speeds and extended ranges‭. ‬This capability garnered significant recognition‭, ‬resulting in an‭ ‬AED 1.33‭ ‬billion contract to supply SHADOW 25‭ ‬and SHADOW 50‭ ‬to the UAE Armed Forces‭. ‬The signing‭, ‬which took place during IDEX 2023‭, ‬exemplifies our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions for our customers’‭ ‬critical requirements‭.‬

Launched during IDEX 2023‭ ‬earlier this year‭, ‬QX6-50‭ ‬and AIRTRUCK are built to swiftly transport equipment for military or civilian purposes‭. ‬Capable of carrying a 50kg payload for up to 200km‭, ‬QX6-50‭ ‬can operate autonomously and is highly modular for ease‭ ‬of maintenance and transportation‭. ‬With an even higher payload of 500kg and a maximum range of 360km‭, ‬AIRTRUCK is designed for more challenging missions and strategic logistics support such as supplying troops in remote locations‭, ‬medical evacuation‭, ‬and reconnaissance‭.‬

Looking ahead‭, ‬ADASI’s dedication to its product development aligns perfectly with EDGE’s mission to enhance the UAE’s autonomous capabilities‭. ‬Complementing the UAE’s Industry 4.0‭ ‬agenda‭, ‬EDGE plays a pivotal role in harnessing advanced technologies like‭ ‬artificial intelligence‭ (‬AI‭) ‬to develop superior autonomous solutions‭. ‬Through significant investments in R&D‭, ‬as well as strategic partnerships with research institutes‭, ‬EDGE expedites advancements in this domain‭, ‬positioning the UAE as a leader in the field of autonomous systems‭.‬

How important is the UAE and GCC market to ADASI‭?‬

The UAE and GCC markets hold significant importance for ADASI‭. ‬We have a strategic partnership with the UAE’s Ministry of Defence which positions us as a critical player in enhancing the nation’s defence capabilities‭. ‬This cooperation demonstrates our commitment to working closely with defence stakeholders to deliver cutting-edge autonomous systems which meet the specific operational requirements of our customers‭. ‬

Beyond the UAE‭, ‬ADASI is equally attentive to the growing demand in the GCC region‭. ‬Our solutions are uniquely designed to perform well in hot‭, ‬humid‭, ‬and dusty conditions which is a competitive advantage in the GCC region‭. ‬We make extensive use of the region’s natural environment to ensure solution performance and reliability‭. ‬However‭, ‬we also ensure to offer comprehensive and robust‭ ‬solutions for the global market that cater to a wide range of environments and threats‭.‬

Our solutions offer an exceptional combination of endurance‭, ‬range‭, ‬and payload capabilities‭. ‬As a testament to our commitment to excellence‭, ‬ADASI continues to invest in innovation and research and development‭ (‬R&D‭) ‬to improve the adaptability‭, ‬versatility‭, ‬and reliability of our solutions‭, ‬thereby enhancing their competitiveness in the international market‭. ‬

What are your most prominent projects for the next stage‭?‬

As the demands of modern warfare are constantly changing‭, ‬ADASI is developing an end-to-end portfolio of autonomous systems across air‭, ‬land‭, ‬and maritime domains‭, ‬which will push the boundaries in terms of technical excellence‭, ‬dynamic performance‭, ‬and modular structural design‭.‬

In the next stage‭, ‬we have several exciting projects in the pipeline which we aim to announce during Dubai Airshow‭. ‬We are actively working on advancing our autonomous systems‭, ‬enhancing their capabilities‭, ‬and expanding their applications‭. ‬Moreover‭, ‬we are keen on developing strategic partnerships with international defence companies to collaborate on R&D initiatives and explore new avenues for growth‭.‬

What are your company’s future plans and long-term goals‭? ‬

ADASI’s growth strategy revolves around a commitment to innovation and global expansion‭. ‬Through forging strategic alliances with global players‭, ‬we aim to extend our offerings across borders‭, ‬making a tangible impact on the global stage and seizing export‭ ‬opportunities in line with the UAE’s mandate‭. ‬Aligned to the main objectives of‭ ‬‘Operation 300bn’‭ ‬set out by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology‭ (‬MoIAT‭), ‬ADASI and EDGE are supporting the development of a defence‭ ‬industrial base in the UAE to generate in-country value‭, ‬enhance sovereign capabilities‭, ‬and position the UAE as a serious global player within the advanced technology industry‭. ‬

As part of our ambitious roadmap‭, ‬ADASI is determined to establish itself as a regional centre of excellence for autonomous systems and defence technologies‭. ‬This entails a focus on enhancing capabilities‭, ‬refining expertise‭, ‬and nurturing talent within our ranks‭. ‬Recognising the importance of attracting and retaining talent to achieve our objectives‭, ‬ADASI prioritises human capital development to foster an innovative culture and nurture a future talent pool‭. ‬One of EDGE’s key initiatives‭, ‬EDGE IGNITE‭, ‬strategically selects high-achieving STEM engineers from local universities and provides them with immersive training across various companies within EDGE Group‭. ‬This comprehensive training enhances their expertise in critical domains‭. ‬Presently‭, ‬ADASI is hosting 20‭ ‬UAE National graduates as part of this programme‭, ‬empowering them to refine their skills and contribute to our growth and development‭. ‬By placing a major focus on technological advancement and human capital development‭, ‬ADASI aspires to make a profound contribution to the advancement of autonomous systems on both regional and global levels‭.‬

In the long term‭, ‬we aim to focus on developing a full portfolio of autonomous systems and strengthening the technological capabilities of our customers‭. ‬We will continue to innovate‭, ‬integrate‭, ‬evolve‭, ‬and develop more of our intellectual property‭ (‬IP‭) ‬as‭ ‬we equip our customers for an increasingly autonomous future‭. 

The defence market is currently witnessing intense competition‭. ‬How is ADASI planning to expand into the global market‭?‬

Being a part of EDGE provides ADASI with significant advantages and synergies that facilitate the global market expansion of our‭ ‬products‭. ‬The collaborative approach within EDGE fosters cross-collaboration and knowledge exchange which supports the development of comprehensive solutions that meet the diverse demands of the global market‭.‬

Similarly‭, ‬EDGE’s extensive network and global presence facilitate our access to international markets and partnerships‭. ‬This broad reach enables ADASI to expand its customer base and establish a strong global presence in line with its growth strategy‭.‬



  • Juma Al Kaabi
  • Chief Executive Officer‭, ‬ADASI
  • He is responsible for leading the‭ ‬
  • development and implementation of ADASI’s strategy‭, ‬mission and overall vision‭ ‬
  • His previous position was Chief Technology Officer‭ (‬CTO‭) ‬of ADASI’s technology‭, ‬he also held several positions including‭: ‬Chief of Strategic Programs‭ & ‬Systems‭, ‬and Chief‭  ‬Programs Officer at ADASI
  • He served extensively for over two decades in the UAE Armed Forces‭, ‬where he worked through several departments encompassing unmanned systems‭, ‬engineering research and development contracts negotiation‭, ‬programs management‭, ‬technical training programs‭, ‬systems evaluations and aviation maintenance‭.‬
  • He holds a Master’s in Business Administration from New York Institute of Technology University‭, ‬UAE and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univers

‬‭   » Interviewed by‭: «Al Jundi»

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