خالد الزعتر
كاتب ومحلل سياسي

UAE … the pioneer of peace making

The peace agreement and the Emirati-Israeli treaty was not just a normal event, but rather a step that redraws the regional scene, and imposes the creation of a new reality that is compatible with the developments and changes of the stage, and pushes towards achieving what the region wants in the current phase, in which the region yearns more towards achieving peace, which is the main element towards building the renaissance and development needed by the Arab region.

The current phase requires the reformulation of Arab strategic thinking in order to suit the reality of the region, its changes and developments, and leaving the framework of the prevailing mentality in the seventies and sixties, especially since the Arab region cannot tolerate more conflicts, and the use of force is no longer acceptable in resolving conflicts and disputes, imposes on the Arabs and Israelis to work to develop new tools in dealing with the entrenched conflict by dismantling it with peaceful tools instead of escalatory policies.

Consequently, the UAE was able, through the Emirati-Israeli peace agreement, to move the stagnant waters in the Arab and Israeli strategic thought, and to push for the creation of new tools to put an end to this conflict that exhausts the national security of the region, and therefore the Emirati step succeeded in dismantling this conflict through replacing tools from tools of power and escalation to employing economic tools and cooperation in the cultural, health, space sciences, and other fields as an important input in to melt the ice of political conflict and thus move towards creating fertile ground for coexistence between all Arab and Israeli parties.

The Emirati step to go towards peace with Israel does not deviate from the framework of the Arab initiative whose decision was taken in the year 2002, on the contrary, this Emirati step, which will contribute to encouraging the Israeli side to engage more in the peace process, contributes greatly to reviving the Arab initiative, which for many years has been in a state of stalemate, and therefore this Emirati step for peace with Israel, which is the first since 1994, will undoubtedly contribute to encouraging the Israeli side to commit more to the Arab initiative and thus work to enhance the chances of success of the initiative.

Also, this Emirati move is supportive of the Palestinian cause because it has contributed from its beginnings in curbing the Israeli settlement and expansionist mentality, and thus it will contribute to creating fertile ground towards achieving a just and urgent solution to the Palestinian issue.

Al Jundi

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