مصطفى الزرعوني​
كاتب صحفي ومحلل سياسي

Turkey’s regime collapse: Is it imminent?

Embracing wrong policies for years together with self-arrogance would always lead countries to an inevitable stage of change where they have no options but to take tough decisions to address their internal situation‭, ‬the first of which is to radically change their long-held approaches‭. ‬These are indeed clear indications of the collapse of states‭.‬

Take for example the Middle East where politics had played a significant role in destroying the economies of many countries under the pretext of protecting interests and developing resources‭. ‬These countries have never in fact needed such policies that brought them nothing but destruction‭, ‬terrorizing people‭, ‬and major disagreements with neighbours‭.‬

To be more specific‭, ‬look at Turkey‭. ‬While Arab countries are striving to recover after long conflicts with corruption and ideologies‭, ‬Turkey decided to adopt another approach‭. ‬It has been using its power and resources for long to form militias in Syria‭, ‬Iraq and Libya and is now heading towards Europe bullying Greece and trying to trigger a crisis in the Mediterranean‭.‬

Additionally‭, ‬Russia and France are now concerned that Turkey may send mercenaries from Syria and Libya to fight in Azerbaijan as Erdogan was braggingly threatening stable countries‭, ‬to involve them in his conflicts‭. ‬However‭, ‬he seems to be very annoyed at‭ ‬the breaking up of his expansion project by stable Arab powers such as Saudi Arabia‭, ‬Egypt and the UAE‭.‬

This has obviously led to the deterioration of Turkish Lira and widening trade deficit‭. ‬According to recent economic data‭, ‬Turkey’s trade deficit jumped to 192.7%‭ ‬year on year in September‭, ‬something which caused him to cry loud in his irresponsible statements‭.‬

In addition to Syria‭, ‬Iraq and Libya‭, ‬Erdogan is dreaming of expanding his power to Sudan and dragging it into his quagmire‭. ‬However‭, ‬Sudan aborted his plans and is currently developing successive solutions to various crises that the country has been suffering from for ages‭.‬

Just recently a peace deal was inked between Sudan’s transitional government and Sudanese Revolutionary Front‮ ‬with more parties expected to join in the deal soon‭. ‬Accordingly‭, ‬about 4.5‭ ‬million refugees and displaced Sudanese might begin to return home‭.‬

Not only that‭, ‬but the Sudanese government are now working to improve the country’s foreign relations and is seeking to lift the sanctions imposed on it given that the most important condition for Washington to‭ ‬remove Khartoum from the terrorism list is to establish peace‭, ‬respect of human rights and religious freedom‭, ‬counterterrorism‭ ‬efforts‭, ‬all of which are included in this agreement‭.‬

Meanwhile‭, ‬Turkey is still playing with fire and setting up militias in Arab countries to worsen their situation in addition to‭ ‬supporting the formation of governments from parties carrying the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood ideology to be their subordinate‭ ‬and wing in these countries‭, ‬what a betrayal‭!. ‬

Al Jundi

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