خالد الزعتر
كاتب ومحلل سياسي

The Middle East in the international system

Motivated by the belief that the Middle East region had lost its importance and that the fulcrum of the new international order would be the East Asian region, the American strategy was focused on turning towards East Asia and withdrawing from the Middle East.

The rise of china’s economic power had a significant effect on the international balance of power, as military power is no longer the provider of unparalleled political and economic advantages for the state, and new changes and developments made economic power the true measure of the state’s strength and the tool prompts the world to redirect its attention towards East Asia.

The continuity of this situation would have led to further marginalization of the Middle East region in the international balance, but the Saudi Vision 2030 came to rebuild a strong Saudi economy that possesses the tools of regional and global competition, and curb the marginalization of the Middle East region, thus rearranging the balance of power, and restructuring the vision and international political strategy to look at the Middle East from a futuristic perspective based on competition in the new international system away from the issue of (oil), which was confined to it, prompting the influential countries in the international system to stop looking at the Middle East from the “marginal view” and to consider it the main pillar in the stage of competition witnessed by the international system for the position of economic leadership.

Saudi Vision 2030 has restored the political and economic consideration of the Middle East, as a mainstay in the stage of competition in the international system between the economically emerging countries, and the ones trying to maintain their economic position in the international system, such as China, Russia, and the United States, which had no effect in pushing economic growth in the Middle East towards recovery.

The impact of Saudi Vision 2030 was not limited to motivating the countries of the region to reconsider the economic issue, but rather worked to fortify the growth and economic future of the Middle East, and created a fertile ground for the presence of the Middle East’ economies in global competition.

The review of the American thought process, which led to the shift from insisting on turning towards East Asia, to the re-engagement in the Middle East, confirmations that the map of influence in the international system is witnessing many variables that force a rethinking of the strategy adopted in 2008, which was based on the US strengthening its presence in the East Asia region and downplaying the importance of the Middle East.

Al Jundi

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