خالد الزعتر
كاتب ومحلل سياسي

Saudi-Iranian relations and the region’s prosperity

The security and stability of the Middle East is a top priority for Saudi policy, as it constitutes a vital part of the security and stability of the world, especially in light of the current geopolitical and economic challenges, which necessitates working with all countries to eliminate all causes of tension and friction and achieve stability for this vital region of the world.

Therefore the resumption of Saudi-Iranian relations is an important step in arranging the map of the Middle East and represents an important part of the Saudi project within the framework of Vision 2030, which aims to transform the Middle East region into a new Europe, where good political relations and thawing tensions play an important role in advancing economic prosperity, which is one of the Kingdom’s main goals.

Saudi Arabia is making great political and economic efforts to lift the Middle East region to the ranks of developed countries and maintain its advanced position in the international system, in light of the current changes.

Iran has realized that old policies will not serve its political and economic interests, as it found itself outside the map of the renaissance led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East region.

Realizing that those policies only led to more regional and international isolation and that it cannot bypass Riyadh in the regional and international equations, Iran found it necessary to change its policies which are only hurting it and build good relations with Riyadh.

This explains why Iran insisted on entering into talks with Saudi Arabia and trying to restore relations ruined by the Iranian political mentality.

Furthermore, Iran now realizes that building international relations cannot achieve anything as long as there are tensions within its vicinity.

Looking back at the nuclear agreement, we find that Iran has succeeded in building good relations with the six-party, however, this did not change anything in the Iranian political and economic reality but rather increased the isolation that Iran is experiencing, because there was a very important link missing.

Thus the Iranian political mentality is witnessing an awakening that has been absent for many years, which is driving it to restore its relations with the region, especially with countries that have a big political, economic and military importance, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This created a state of insistence in Iran to build good relations and restore relations with Saudi Arabia, which has always extended its good hand to everyone based on mutual respect, commitment, understanding, neighbourliness, respect for national sovereignty, and non-interference or influence in internal affairs.

Furthermore, the resumption of Saudi-Iranian relations fulfils the Kingdom’s demands to preserve the charters and principles on which international relations were founded, as Saudi Arabia has always stressed its respect for the sovereignty of states and non-interference in their internal affairs, which constitutes a fundamental pillar for the development of relations between states.

This development constitutes a very important step in the context of achieving security, stability and prosperity for the region as a whole and will have positive effects on the people and countries of the region.

Al Jundi

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