الرائد/ سعيد عبيد الكتبي
رئيس تحرير مجلة الجندي
Maj./ Saeed Obeid Al Ketbi

A Leading Emirati Role In Promoting Peace

The UAE’s winning of a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for the period 2022- 2023 embodies the great position it has acquired in its regional and international environment. It has earned the world’s confidence in its policy and has provided a pioneering/role model role in serving humanity by strengthening international relations between states and nations.

The UAE’s winning of a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for the period 2022- 2023 embodies the great position it has acquired in its regional and international environment. It has earned the world’s confidence in its policy and has provided a pioneer/role model role in serving humanity by strengthening international relations between states and nations.

The UAE has the right to be proud of this achievement because it represents a political success as a sign of trust, appreciation and gratitude from all over the world. Therefore, it is a worthy achievement, because of the support and humanitarian work the UAE has provided in the service of humanity over the past years.

The UAE plans to find profound solutions to the challenges facing the world at the present time, by promoting tolerance, giving importance to humanitarian relief work, treating global health crises, and benefiting from its capacities to achieve peace.

The size of the responsibilities is great, varying between issues of peace to an unprecedented pandemic which confused all accounts (stirred  everything up). Despite that, the UAE possesses the expertise and conscious understanding that helps resolve many world issues, based on its great heritage and close relations with all countries and international organizations.

The wide international welcome for the UAE’s election to the UN Security Council for the period 2022-2023, and the big bet on its leading international efforts and strengthening universal peace and security, stands as an international referendum on the success of its development model and good governance.

It is also a testament to its effective and diplomacy that works for peace to prevail throughout the world, and for the development, well-being and prosperity of all nations on Earth.

The people of the UAE have the right to rejoice at this achievement, which crowns the march of Emirati diplomacy, and adds it to the list of marvellous achievements in various fields, since happiness lies in the joy of achievement.


Congratulations to the UAE.. Congratulations to Arabs.

Al Jundi

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