Dubai EXPO 2020 Sustainability Pavilion (SP) is a rich experience for connection and innovation to secure a sustainable future for our Mother Earth, and an opportunity to enforce UAE master plan to play a pioneering sustainability-based role worldwide.
The world event serves to present one of the most sustainable sessions of the 160-year EXPO exhibitions to cope with UAE ambitions whereby sustainability is placed high on top of government strategies in compliance with world-class standards such as UN sustainable development plans, UAE Vision up to 2021 and Dubai Plan up to 2021. SP will testify UAE sustainability-oriented focus and progress as a stimulus for change locally, regionally and globally.
Fresh Ideas
Sustainability is one of the three EXPO 2020 secondary topics and the six-month world event will serve as a platform to stimulate change, share solutions and explore fresh ideas that would encourage joint action to save our Planet Earth.
SP, which spans 29,000 square meters of the 3.38 square kilometer-Exhibition, offers an unprecedented opportunity for visitors to propose both man and planet-serving ideas that may help sketch out environmental future. SP is planned to use a great part of energy from the sun and the air, a technology used that much for the first time universally, by applying the highest standards of effective use -and re-use- of power and water and exploring most up-to-date sustainability techniques.
Structured as a local Ghaf tree, SP accommodates as many as 30,000 visitors daily and 1,055 solar panels on the 130- meter roof to produce 4 giga/watts/hour of alternative energy per annum – enough to charge 900,000 mobile phones.
Innovative Techniques
SP will display innovative irrigation techniques, including gray water recycling system, which will help cut down water consumption by 75%. The facility will also be able to generate its own water using a technique to extract humidity from outer air and return it to the facility again. Solar energy will also help decontaminate water to make it fit for consumption.
Interesting Experience
The Terra (Mother Earth) Sustainability Pavilion will shed the light on the urgent need to treat the negative largely man-made environmental effects through an interesting personal experience to help visitors appreciate their impact on the environment and stimulate them to change.
SP is expected to attract many visitors including children and young men interested in science and best sustainability practices (EXPO’s main slogan). It will continue its inspirational education mission before turning into an exploration center after the world event draws to a close in April 2021.
SP visitors will be able to explore man-nature relationship, man’s obsession with excessive consumption, how to change daily options to cut down carbon emissions and environmental consequences and creative global projects that would provide realistic solutions to maintain and protect our Mother Earth for the coming generations. The Pavilion will also offer visitors a walk-around of forest roots and a tour of deep oceans and damaged natural wonders.
Ambitious Message
An ambitious message on natural world is offered by the Pavilion by providing visitors with information about human consumption and strategies of sustainable life in future, and help them understand how to control their response to environmental challenges in real life using a set of interesting sensual experiences inspired by a common idea by simulating classical fairy tale kingdoms. Using 14 experiences about the magic and beauty of nature, the Terra Pavilion will offer visitors the natural habitat which may look extraordinary but real.
The 45-minute voyage was designed as to connect with visitors of all ages through several hidden multi-level messages to encourage them to reconsider man-nature connexion.
Moreover, the various experiences of this fairy-tale journey were designed to take visitors to where they have never been before and to enable them to explore Nature’s symbiotic relationships by, for instance, going underground to have a look at a giant tree-like green root network, get to know how trees grow, interact and share resources and how to protect itself against the trees.
In another interactive experience the participants will be able to meet ‘Gnasher’ – a giant consumption machine that shows how natural resources are being destroyed to make consumer products. There will be also an encounter with a deep-sea fish whose system is clogged with discarded plastic waste.
The final Terra voyage stage, dubbed The Laboratory of Future Values – a hopeful space, showcasing solutions to the eco-challenges we’re facing, will take visitors on a tour of 3D structures to shed further light not only on how to counter environmental challenges but also gain socio-economic benefits.
The structure of Terra, the Sustainability Pavilion, at Expo 2020 Dubai, which is now complete and ready for fit-outs, was designed by UK Grimshaw Architects, US Think Design”, and Perohubbled Company engineers to meet the highest standards of sustainable architecture,; namely “Leed Platinum certificate for sustainable structures which is the highest degree available in sustainable architectural engineering.
Terra means and represents planet Earth and will be one of Expo’s signature experiences. It will take visitors on an immersive and emotional journey through the wonders of the natural world and teach us how to create a better, more sustainable future.
Exploration Center
After the Dubai EXPO 2020 event draws to a close, it will be turned into a scientific exploration center under the name “Explortarium” to attract some 1.2 million visitors after 2021. It will be one of the main attractions under the heritage plans to transform EXPO site into District 2020, one of the most sustainable projects in the region and the world.