Dubai Air Show hosts the Emirates Merit & Safety Conference

The Executive Department of Safety‭, ‬Environment and Merit at the Ministry of Defense organized the Emirates Merit and Safety Conference‭, ‬on the sidelines of the‭ ‬“Dubai Airshow 2021”‭, ‬to discuss the challenges facing safety in the aviation sector‭, ‬amid a large participation of experts and specialized officials‭. ‬Major General Pilot Saeed Ali Al Ali‭, ‬Commander of the Joint Aviation at the Ministry of Defense‭, ‬said in his opening speech‭ ‬that holding the Emirates Merit and Safety Conference comes with the aim of reviewing the latest challenges facing aviation safety‭; ‬Especially since aviation is at the forefront of a continuous development sector since the first attempt to fly by the Wright brothers in 1903‭.‬

He added‭, ‬“The development processes in the aviation sector are currently accelerating more than in previous periods‭, ‬explaining that the development is not only limited to the acceleration of the pace of modern technology‭, ‬but also the aspirations of individuals in‭ ‬what they expect from aviation experiences‭, ‬which has led to a huge increase in pressure on aviation professionals to improve how we manage safety in flight operations‭, ‬the airworthiness and efficiency of aircraft‭, ‬and‭, ‬in particular‭, ‬our culture of safety‭.‬”

He continued‭: ‬“The challenges facing us in the sector in general are the same in civil and military aviation alike‭, ‬and we must learn quickly to anticipate any new risks that may arise in our constantly changing world‭, ‬in order to help us rise to global levels in aviation safety management‭, ‬and this is the desired purpose of Conference”‭.‬

The Conference Sessions‭:‬

The sessions of the Emirates Merit and Safety Conference began with five lectures‭, ‬delivered by Engineer Ismail Muhammad Al Balushi‭, ‬Assistant Director-General for Aviation Safety Affairs at the General Civil Aviation Authority‭, ‬entitled‭ ‬“Air Operations during the Corona Pandemic”‭ ‬in which he discussed the diversity of measures taken by countries during the pandemic through The closing and opening of borders‭, ‬while the second lecture was given by Colonel Lawrence Nixon‭, ‬Vice President of the US Air Force Safety Center‭, ‬entitled‭ ‬“Human Factors Related to Aviation Accidents”‭, ‬during which he highlighted the effectiveness of monitoring systems‭, ‬data analysis and periodic recommendations in a purely proactive manner‭.‬

The third lecture discussed‭ ‬“Air Safety Management System and its Links to Merit on Apache General Fighter Aircraft”‭, ‬delivered by Robert Fraser‭, ‬Chief Engineer Supervising Apache in collaboration with Boeing‭. ‬The fourth and fifth lectures focused on how to strike a balance between new technology and safety‭. ‬Lieutenant Colonel Jamal Al Hosani from the Ministry of the Interior gave the lecture entitled‭ ‬“How the Ministry of Interior in the UAE succeeded in controlling the spread of civilian drones”‭, ‬while the Colonel gave the first obsession with a lecture entitled‭ ‬“The British Method for Adopting Military Drones”‭.‬

Al Jundi

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