The Brazilian Army receives Upgraded SABER M60 Radars

Embraer delivered the first two SABER (Tracking System Based on aerial targets Radio Frequency Emission) M60 2.0 version radars to the Brazilian Army, which will be used in their Anti-Aircraft Artillery Units.
Acquiring the SABER M60 radars is part of the Strategic Plan of the Brazilian Army and expands the Land Forces’ operational capacity.
As a result of the partnership between Embraer and the Brazilian Army in developing a low-altitude anti-aircraft artillery radar, the SABER M60, which was already exported, is 100% developed in Brazil.

The SABER M60 can be integrated into missile-based weapons systems or anti-aircraft cannons and can be customized for integration into any other air defense system, such as the Brazilian Aerospace Defense System.

Al Jundi

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