IAI – a Powerhouse of Innovation in Aerospace & Defense

Over the past four decades, unmanned systems have greatly evolved and are now autonomous platforms capable of performing various intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and strike missions. As ground robotics technology is still in its early stages, it has a promising future due to the advances in sensor technologies, edge processing, AI algorithms and advanced communications, enabling a higher level of autonomy for ground robotics in both military and commercial applications. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is at the forefront of this field, leading the way in the development and innovation of ground robotics.

Building on its decades of experience as a pioneer in unmanned aerial systems, IAI is now leveraging its expertise, know-how, and techniques to ground robotics and manned-unmanned teaming. This allows the company to develop Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and small tactical unmanned aerial systems (UAS) capable of meeting the needs and facing the challenges of ground operations. One example of this synergy is in robotics mission planning and situational awareness, where artificial intelligence image processing systems use satellite images to analyze an area of operation, assess the terrain and plan alternative movement paths based on remote sensing. These capabilities are combined with the UGV’s integral sensors to create real-time situational awareness.

As Israel’s largest aerospace and defense company, IAI boasts 15,000 employees and annual sales of over five billion dollars. In the past two years since the signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020, IAI has expanded its activities in the region, achieving significant new sales. The company’s leading in technology and innovation is a multidisciplinary powerhouse that excels in a wide range of fields, including space and missile technology, composites, aircraft design and manufacturing, air defense, radars, and robotics. IAI has also cultivated an ecosystem of partners and suppliers who provide expert advice, specialty services, and subsystems and have become an integral part of the company’s growth.

Innovation is at the heart of IAI, and the company is constantly implementing new capabilities and achieving technological breakthroughs. To further foster innovation, IAI has established an innovation center where employees and experts from the academy, military, and start-up companies can bring their ideas to life. This collaboration has proven to be a win-win for IAI and its partners, with over tens ideas advancing to the successful “Proof of Concept” stage and many being implemented across the company’s various business lines.

In short, the innovation center at IAI is a hub of creativity and collaboration, driving the company’s continued success and growth.

An example of a successful solution developed at IAI’s innovation center is Othello-P, a gunfire detection and location system that alerts a robotic system or armored vehicle crew in the event of hostile gunfire. This system is the result of the integration of acoustic and infrared sensing, signal processing, and artificial intelligence and has garnered significant interest from a global audience. The innovation center at IAI has proven to be a valuable resource for developing new and innovative solutions like

Othello-P, showcasing the company’s commitment to driving technological advancement and meeting the evolving needs of its clients.

It is very important to mention also the close collaboration with the operational and technological users also challenges developers to meet the high standards characteristic of aerospace and defense systems, preparing them for the demanding operational environments that their systems will encounter.

As a leading aerospace and defense company, IAI is renowned for its innovation and technological expertise. The company’s commitment to innovation goes even further. Its innovation center, established in 2019, brings together entrepreneurs and experts to develop new ideas and solutions that can be implemented across IAI’s various fields of activity. This focus on innovation positions IAI at the leading edge of the aerospace, defense, and robotics industries.

Al Jundi

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