Britain’s Typhoons to be equipped with own radar for electronic warfare

Britain’s Royal Air Force is on course to get its own multi-functional active electronically scanned array radar by the middle of the decade to equip Typhoon combat jets as a result of a deal between the Ministry of Defence and industry.

BAE Systems and Leonardo have signed up to deliver what is known as the European Common Radar System Mark 2 radar to equip the RAF’s Typhoon fleet with a multi-functional array providing advanced electronic-warfare and electronic-attack capabilities, as well as more traditional radar functions.

The deal includes the industry partners delivering the first Mk2-equipped Typhoons in 2022 for test and evaluation work, as well as three complete radars.

The initial operating capability of the upgraded RAF jets is planned for soon after 2025.

The British plan to equip their 40-strong fleet of Typhoon Tranche 3 jets with the new radar.

Al Jundi

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