BAE Systems and University of Birmingham develop advanced sensor technologies

As part of a new collaboration between BAE Systems and the University of Birmingham‭, ‬advanced sensor technologies will be developed‭, ‬as they signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch a Consortium of Advanced Sensor Technologies‭, ‬drawing on prominent experts from industry‭, ‬academia and government‭.‬

Professor Kai Bongs‭, ‬a pioneer researcher in quantum sensors and timing in the United Kingdom‭, ‬and director of innovation at the‭ ‬School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham‭, ‬said‭: ‬“Advanced sensor technologies have the potential to create enormous economic value and change the way we live‭. ‬New sensor capabilities and digital twinning enable disruptive innovation in a faster and cheaper way‭, ‬resulting in unprecedented benefit to society and the economy‭, ‬we now need to accelerate market attraction by demonstrating how these new sensors are incorporated into high-value systems‭, ‬changing processes and our lifestyles‭.‬

Al Jundi

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