The latest icebreaker «Evpatty Kolovrat» to enter service with the Russian Navy in 2022

The Russian Navy announced that the Yevpaty Kolovrat icebreaker will enter service in 2022‭.‬

‭”‬A number of innovative solutions have been presented in the process of designing and building this icebreaker‭,” ‬the office quoted Commander of the Russian Navy‭, ‬Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov‭, ‬as saying‭.‬

The shipyard is currently installing the required equipment on the icebreaker‭, ‬and the Yevpaty Kolovrat will displace 4000‭ ‬tons‭,‬‭ ‬and it will be 82‭ ‬meters long and 19‭ ‬meters wide‭. ‬The icebreaker will be able to develop a speed of up to 14‭ ‬knots‭, ‬and will include a crew of about 30‭ ‬people‭, ‬its endurance will be one month‭, ‬and it will be able to penetrate one meter thickness of ice‭. ‬

Al Jundi

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