Britain tests “dragon” laser weapons

Britain has started testing new laser
weapons for the army, within the frame-
work of the “Dragon Fire” program for
the development of high-energy laser
This program is a joint venture between
the British Ministries of Industry and
Defense as well as companies such as
MBDA, Leonardo, OinetiQ, and Dstl.
The first phase of testing involved the
use of low-energy laser devices, to verify
the systems’ ability to track air and sea
targets with high accuracy.
For his part, the head of the British
MBDA company said: “The success of
these tests is an essential step in the de-
velopment of British guided laser weap-
ons, in which unique innovations and
the latest technologies of laser weapons
were used and the next stage of testing
will involve the use of a high-energy la-
ser to deal with different targets in vari
ous scenarios”.

Al Jundi

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