Indonesia successfully tested its “maritime tank” vessel

Indonesia has announced that it has completed the tests of homemade combat boats called “maritime tanks”.

During tests, one of these boats fired the main weapon system, and succeeded in sailing a distance of more than 170 nautical miles.

According to the available information, the “maritime tank” boats have the ability to sail at a high speed of up to 40 knots, and travel a distance of 600 miles on each mission, and the main crew of each boat consists of 5 people, and the boat can transport 60 people.

The “maritime tank” was armed with a 30 mm Cockerill cannon and two 12.7 mm machine guns, and the main gun turret was designed to be protected according to STANAG 4569 military standards, meaning that it is not affected by 25 mm projectiles / rounds fired from a distance of 500 M.

Al Jundi

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