Al Bawardi participates in the Indian Ocean Defence Ministers’ meeting

His Excellency Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Bowardi, Minister of State for Defence Affairs, participated, on February 4, 2021, in the Indian Ocean Defence Ministers’meeting, chaired by His Excellency Rajnath Singh, the Indian Minister of Defence, which was held via remote visual communication technology, under the title“ Promoting Peace, Stability and Prosperity in the The Indian Ocean Region “, on the sidelines of the 13th Aero India Exhibition 2021, which was launched on February 3, 2021, and will last for 5 days in Bangalore, Republic of India.

His Excellency the Minister of State for Defence Affairs stressed the importance of participating in this meeting, which strengthens the distinguished bilateral relations between UAE and the Republic of India, which go back to years of friendship and strategic partnership, during which the UAE was keen to consolidate it and achieve the common interests of both countries in various sectors, especially in the defence and military field. … and stressed the need for cooperation to enhance peace, security and prosperity in the region and laying foundations for peace and security at the regional and international levels.

His Excellency noted the importance of the India International Air Show, which is one of the most prominent international exhibitions specialized in launching the latest innovations and technological projects related to the aviation and space industries, by presenting the latest achievements of the aviation and defence industry of 14 countries, has proven its position on the map of international air exhibitions due to the good organization it witnesses and for being the destination of major companies specialized in aviation.

He added that holding the exhibition during this period of the outbreak of the Coronavirus “Covid-19” is a challenge and an important achievement in the face of the pandemic and the global economic repercussions that the world is going through today … and stressed the importance of joint cooperation in dealing with Corona disease and the need to unite efforts to eliminate it.

The virtual meeting was attended by a number of senior officers and officials of the UAE Ministry of Defence.


Al Jundi

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