خالد الزعتر
كاتب ومحلل سياسي

The Yemeni Presidential Council and the road map

Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s decision to transfer all his authorities to a presidential leadership council represents an extremely important step that emphasizes ensuring that the public interest prevails and avoiding hesitation regarding any steps that would help unify the Yemeni ranks.

This decision also helps draw a road map for the Yemeni state, not just in the short term, but also beyond that after the end of the war, by laying the foundations for preserving the unity of the state and the unity of the ranks in line with what serves the Yemeni people.

By looking at the formation of the Presidential Council, which includes personalities representing active parties in the Yemeni political and military file, we can see that this is an important step to unify the Yemeni ranks and eliminate the state of division, which will have a significant impact on the military action against the Houthi militias.

The Yemeni ranks’ division is one of the main dilemmas for delaying the military resolution. Therefore, by establishing the Yemeni Presidential Council, which is in charge of managing the state’s political, military and security affairs throughout the transitional phase, and involving the active and influential parties in it, President Hadi was seeking to take radical steps to address the divisive situation by involving all active leaders in managing the state at this transitional stage, a step that will no doubt have a great impact on dealing with the problems contributing to the delay in military resolution.

The formation of a presidential council, and the unification of the Yemeni ranks, is not only about confronting the Houthi militias by uniting all the military fronts, it is also an important step towards resolving all the issues affecting the lives of the Yemeni people, as it will have an impact on establishing security and paving the way to create a renaissance and development in the liberated areas, in addition to ensuring that external support is directed where it can serve the reform of the Yemeni economy, thereby aiding in the success of all development initiatives aimed at preparing the atmosphere for the erection of a state in Yemen on a path of progress, which are difficult steps to take in light of the continuous division.


As the economic factor is considered an important tool for achieving stability at all levels, Saudi Arabia and the UAE took to a step to provide $3 billion in urgent support to Yemen’s economy, in addition, Saudi Arabia called for an international conference to gather the financial resources necessary to support the Yemeni economy, which will undoubtedly be a factor in supporting Yemen on the path it is starting, and overcoming all obstacles before the Presidential Council to take the Yemeni state to an advanced stage of achieving development that serves the Yemeni people.

Al Jundi

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