Commemoration Day honours noble human principles: Chief of Staff of UAE Armed Forces

Lt. General Hamad Mohammed Thani Al Rumaithi, Chief of Staff of the UAE Armed Forces, stressed that Commemoration Day is meant to honour noble human principles, noting that the UAE’s martyrs sacrificed their lives for righteousness and helped needy people.

In a statement to the  on Commemoration Day, he said, “The occasion is a day for sacrifice, cohesion, patriotism and loyalty for the UAE’s leadership, underscoring the strength of our unity and the profound solidarity of our people.”

Following is the full text of his statement on the occasion: “Today, the UAE’s leadership and people celebrate a most sacred and precious national occasion, Commemoration Day, which is marked on 30th November of every year. On this day, our people are honouring the sacrifices of the martyrs who have passed away while defending the UAE.

Commemoration Day is dedicated to honouring noble human values, as sacrificing our own lives, helping needy people and showing solidarity with our kin underscore the noble actions of Emirati martyrs. It is also a day when we salute and show our gratitude for the families of martyrs, confirming their great sacrifices shall remain vivid in the nation’s memory. Martyrs have set an example to be emulated of courage and patriotism while defending the safety and stability of the country.

Martyrs and their families deserve our appreciation, gratitude, love and loyalty. The UAE’s leadership has set an example of showing respect to the great sacrifices of martyrs by supporting their families. Therefore, we all follow through the country’s leadership and commemorate, on this immortal day, the sacrifices and giving of the nation’s martyrs.

Commemoration Day is a day for sacrifice, cohesion, loyalty, patriotism and dedication for the wise leadership. It underscores the strength of our unity, the solidarity of our people and their cohesion in supporting the country’s leadership, which has exerted all efforts to serve the nation. Commemoration Day is the day of national sacrifices and a day to teach new generations principles and human values.

Our valiant martyrs have written, with their blood, an honourable chapter in the history of our precious nation, and their memory will be the beacon for us and generations to come, as they inspire us with their determination, national will, honesty and loyalty. Commemoration Day will remain a precious national occasion to honour our martyrs.

Our prayers go to the UAE’s martyrs, praying to Allah Almighty to grant them mercy and their families’ patience and serenity, as well as bless our leadership and people and keep the country safe and stable.”

Al Jundi

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