“Dubai Judicial” launches the 10th Armed Forces’ batch of the Diploma in Legal and Judicial Sciences 

The Rehabilitation and Training Department at the Dubai Judicial Institute announced, on January 24, 2021, the launch of the tenth batch of the Legal and Judicial Sciences Diploma for employees of the armed forces in the UAE, which lasts for three months at the Institute’s headquarters, with the participation of a group of trainers accredited from the judicial and legal institutions and relevant authorities.

His Excellency Judge Dr. Jamal Al Sumaiti, Director General of the Dubai Judicial Institute, said: “We have worked at the institute to mobilize the expertise of a group of our partners to design a comprehensive legal and judicial sciences diploma specially designed for members of the armed forces in the country. This year’s program will depend on the accumulated successes of the precedent nine batches. while ensuring that the trainees obtain various practical and field skills and experiences that help them perform their tasks with full merit and continue to achieve progress in their professional and specialized careers.”

For her part, Al-Anoud Al-Hammadi, Director of the Rehabilitation and Training Department at the Dubai Judicial Institute, said that the previous versions of the diploma had achieved the desired goals, and were successful by all standards, which reflects the Institute’s commitment to its mission and confirms the importance and benefits of previous courses for its members, especially after we reached the tenth batch.

She explained that the tenth batch will explain all laws related to the tasks of the military judiciary, and the trainees will be provided with the necessary legal and judicial information to carry out their work efficiently and effectively, in addition to promoting the positive attitudes of the trainees and motivating them to adopt the best legal and judicial behavioral practices in their work.

The judicial studies included in the training schedule for the diploma comprise three articles, namely, the judiciary in the United Arab Emirates, the Military Penalties Law “scope and penalties”, and the military crimes stipulated in the Military Penal Code. Within the section devoted to the General Penal Code, affiliates will learn about the public and private sections.

The section devoted to special penal legislation includes information technology crimes, terrorism, money laundering, and anti-discrimination and hate law. The Criminal Procedures Department includes a number of articles, including: The Federal Law of Criminal Procedure, the Military Criminal Procedure Law and its link with the Criminal Procedure Law in implementation of Article 62 of the Military Criminal Procedure Law, in addition to the Law on the Formation and Jurisdiction of Military Courts (compared to non-military courts).

In the international aspects, the trainees will study materials related to international crimes, international cooperation and international humanitarian law and its implementation mechanisms, while the civil group of diplomas includes: civil transactions law, general mobilization and martial law, and civil and reserve service law.

A section will be devoted to cognitive skills and sciences, through which trainees will get acquainted with research methods in legal sciences and they will be asked to present their graduate research, in addition to other materials that include: communication skills, body language, the future of the judiciary in light of artificial intelligence, quality and institutional excellence, and the security dimensions in the use of artificial intelligence networks.

Al Jundi

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