Raytheon offers a range of counter drone systems

Raytheon has offered a range of counter drone systems in response to a strong regional interest in technology that can keep airspace clear of undesired small intruders‭ .‬
Company executive Evan Hunt said that a‭ ‬“layered approach”‭ ‬works best when dealing with smaller drones‭. ‬Shorter-range‭, ‬non-kinetic solutions include radio frequency jamming and lasers‭, ‬while kinetic solutions‭, ‬such as the company’s Coyote counter unmanned air vehicle weapon can engage targets at ranges beyond 5nm‭ (‬10km‭) .‬
Interest in the technology is very strong in the MENA region‭, ‬and has been for some time‭, ‬he said‭.‬
The Howler system in use with the US Army is a good example of higher-end‭, ‬kinetic kill solution‭. ‬It sees Raytheon’s Ku-band Radio Frequency System‭ (‬KuRFS‭) ‬radar mounted on a vehicle‭, ‬along with eight Coyotes in two launch pods‭ .‬
In June‭, ‬the army announced that Howler had achieved initial operational capability‭. ‬Raytheon has also used KuRFS to cue targets‭ ‬for the company’s high-energy lasers ‭.‬
Hunt said that use cases for counter drone systems vary greatly‭, ‬from militaries that wish to protect forward operating bases to‭ ‬users that require counter UAV capabilities in densely populated cities‭. ‬While a kinetic solution such as Coyote is appropriate‭ ‬for a military user to engage a target at long ranges‭, ‬lasers or radio frequency jamming are better‭ ‬–‭ ‬and cost effective‭ ‬–‭ ‬at civilian locations such as airport ‭. ‬

Al Jundi

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