Northrop Grumman’s Firebird completes successful multi-day capability demonstration flights

Northrop Grumman Corporation recently completed a series of mission focused engagements‭, ‬including integration and testing of Overwatch Imaging’s TK-9‭ ‬Earthwatch sensor‭. ‬The sensor was integrated in one day as part of ongoing capability flights validating the wide range of missions the Firebird system can perform for government and commercial customers‭.‬

During this exercise‭, ‬sensors and utilized Firebird’s operational flexibility were rapidly integrated to demonstrate the system’s unique capability‭. ‬Firebird’s communications suite and data processing power were leveraged to patch in customers to virtual feed so they were able to view‭ ‬flight activities in real time‭. ‬Over a four-day period‭, ‬Firebird demonstrated several data collection missions‭, ‬including wide-area surveillance‭, ‬pattern of life monitoring‭, ‬route clearance‭, ‬search and rescue‭, ‬high-value subject tracking‭, ‬hostage recovery‭,‬‭ ‬and fire hotspot detection‭. ‬

Al Jundi

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